Speech Formation & Disability

Chapter 2 – Speech Formation & Disability

A Plethora of speech disability is reported. – In the first 3 years of life when the child is learning language he must hear a few voices to focus on attention, receive love & discipline. Mom, dad, siblings must be the voices that train him. What he hears must be related to activities relevant to his developmental age. The TV spews out too many voices that are not relevant to developmental learning. Tone, rhythm, intensity, inflections of natural voice & attachment to mom & dad are primary in language learning. He best learns in the first 3 years. Handling the object, listening while eating – reinforces speech, language learning & handwriting. Handling & viewing the 2D digital screen inhibits proper brain wiring – especially for speech. TV & cartoons clutter the neuronal wiring with irrelevant input & delays attention & language learning. TV & digital games at home or child minding centres are tragic intruders.

A Child best learns phonemes of language in the first year of his life when articulation comes thru intimate social contact with mom, dad & siblings. Inflection, tone, mood matter in learning. All digital stuff works against this. Feeding on the breast & all fondle go to wire the 40% neurones of the motor & sensory cortex representing face & hands, eye & lips. This makes for later brilliance. Substitution of any kind of digital cacophony into this is violation to the developing brain. Attention is first spiritual, then emotional & finally intellectual..

Language & Early learning

Social behavior, such as attachment and language, develops within critical periods of development. Critical periods are times in development when the brain is particularly sensitive to social or physical environmental influences (6). The critical period for learning how to discriminate phonemes in language and process facial emotions is less than 3 years. (A phoneme is the smallest distinct unit of language, such as the “m” of “mat” and the “b” of “bat” in English.) At the beginning of life, babies can hear phonemes from all languages; by year 1, they can only hear phonemes from their own language. By 6-12 months, babies prefer social stimuli (faces, voices, and people) to objects. If the child doesn’t gain experience during this time, or enjoy interacting verbally or nonverbally with others, that can affect his or her social skills later. Basic social skills are acquired early in life that provide the building blocks for more complex social abilities later (7).

Hand, eye, mouth coordination in early years is critical for language learning. 40% of neurones of motor & sensory cortex represent this area. Proper eating, breast feeding & every 3D manual grasp & attempt to move hand is the way that 40% wires effectively. Toys for hands, teethers create valuable movement that wires brain well. Giving the child the finger flip  movement for digital screen is tragedy that stunts brain wiring. Live engagement is best for child. If you don’t give the child heart engagement – by default she will go to brain machine. Heart must drive brain.  Brain is a useful servant – let it not be the master.

Speak to youngest infant in proper language rather than odd sounds to entertain. Child effort’s to listen & emulate are valuable for language wiring of brain. Recent research shows ability in two languages postpones Alzheimer. So we who are bilingual are blessed. Speak blessing to the child in proper language. Child picks up inflection, mood, love, care & formulates language fast. Substituting digital voices is negligence. I met a doctor who said 3 hours of his ten hour practice get consumed by this simple advice to parents who have no time

Time before TV & with digital gadgets before 3 years is sure way to ruin a child’s learning. In the first year child absorbs (learns) phonemes of language naturally from parents & siblings speaking to him – as brain is so designed. Every bit of digital exposure in the first 3 years (especially in the first year) ruins the child’s language formation. Speech, language & handwriting will suffer. Child must hear only what is relevant to her grasp & comprehension in the first 3 years. TV programmes, cartoons & other digital exposure will have many subjects beyond child’s grasp. They work like garble. Child picks up natural voice much better. Like most things in life child picks up language as he is engaged at heart level – empathy is a potent teacher. Child picks up naming of objects by touch & use while child hears the words. Digital screen ruins touch, proprioception, deep touch & special sense by non use. Seeing 3 D natural & moulding activities including attempts to grasp helps recognition & writing of letters & numbers.


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