Thorns & Stripes On A Red Blood Moon Page -1


You were a tiny body in your mother’s womb. Father gave one cell, the sperm. Mother contributed the ovum. Two combined together and began to multiply. The real you came into your mother’s womb into a fledgling body from the Home above – from your Heavenly Father. The real you had the soul to develop into adult person as you grow in this world connecting with family, friends & all. But the real you also had your spirit who would know where you came from and where you would go. Spirit knows your belonging & your longing – purpose.

It’s beautiful to see a child’s spirit. Even if a seed is buried upside down, the seedling shoot knows to come up & the seedling root will go down. The Human spirit has hope springing eternally – meaning from a Source from which it came & to the Source it will go. Hope has a Source & purpose. Spirit is the golden bowl & hope is the silver thread of human life & existence. The indomitable human spirit says – I know from where I am. I know why I am. I know where I go. The wise listen to their spirit.


Life in the Womb & Birth.

It is by your spirit you recognised your mom’s love while in her womb. Unloved or rejected children also recognise their rejection. The tiny fledgling person is body and  mostly spirit while his tiny brain wires for future function based on present experience. 4D ultrasonic photography will show a child smiling when the mother is joyful and the child grimacing in the womb when the mother faces painful experiences or watches & listens to violent music & movies.

When you are born you will recognise mom by spirit & emotion. You will receive the attention you are given. If the child does is not given attention, later the child will develop inattention (ADHD). A child grasps only what he is given. After birth the child will grow in mind, brain & intellect. Most parents neglect the child’s spirit. As the child grows from 3, to 6 to 9 & 12 yrs, the child’s sense of knowing where he came from & where he belonged and where he was totally secure, begins to recede into a corner of his being. Soul, person and mind develop – the spirit shrinks but is always there with this hunch – whose am I and who am I?


Far Away & Alone, Going Down

As the years tick the child moves far away from his spirit knowledge. He grows in the mind & body. He comes to adulthood. He begins to work. He may face hurt, humiliation, horror & hate at home, school or work. He may go down in life – orphan, servant (perform to prove), victim, abuse, slave, Pharaoh, Rebel. At each downturn the hand of God connects with his/her spirit and revives the soul. He may acknowledge God’s help or move on with slogans – might is right, fittest survive, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

At the same time you try to make a bridge with your good works, religious rituals & charity – to get back to that goodness you knew in your mother’s womb & as a  child. All the while you are struggling with your self effort, while what God deposited in your spirit is awaiting God’s touch to give you the best portion in life as God already planned for you.

Wages of SIN is death – an unhealthy nature took over. S = self; I = iniquity (deviations); No God.


The Lifeboat of the Spirit – Hand of God

What was your greatest sorrow – loss of a parent, child or spouse or the dashing of a precious hope or a cruel crushing. When your soul hit rock bottom you survived without drowning in your sorrow, because the life boat of your spirit was energised by God your Father. You had not acknowledged His existence but in your dire exigency when life was lost or you contemplated taking your life into demise or depression, lifeboat of the spirit kept you buoyant, you arose, revived, but denied the One who helped you and you said “my might did it”. Yet your spirit memory knows help came from beyond yourself. You don’t have to wait for the next extreme to prove “man’s extremity is God’s opportunity”. Spirit SOS works but it’s by far better to be spirit online all the time.  He is the Father of your spirit.


God Stretch

Every culture has “god” coming to man in some form – the yearning of the human heart. Man’s effort to get to God is called religion. Usually involves sacrifices, offering, penance, we suffer, physically cut ourselves, priests try to help. Every such effort makes you feel good for a while & you keep looking for a more powerful place to go to – for fear or faith or favour or blessing – get that supernatural edge over others. Generally there is competition as well – to get above, beyond & more than others. Secret rituals, special audiences, higher offerings, VVIP introduction etc. God in human form came all the way – that is Jesus Christ.


Bridge the Gap

He also descended into our worst history, event or memory. In His incarnation He suffered poverty, near infanticide at the hands of a despot King Herod. Raised up in a poor area of a vassal nation oppressed not only by the Roman Empire but also by politically powerful priests who earned money from the penances of the people. He said all can come to Him without a priest. He said all can receive blessings from God without costly rituals. This angered the Priests who connived to kill Jesus. All of the worst of human nature came on Jesus. He did this on the Cross of Calvary & took the wages of sinful death for our sake. In doing this He made a way possible for everything God has for us to be restored & revived from our dead past.


Will you get on the bridge & Crossover to what God has for you? Make Jesus your Way, Truth & your Life?

There are aspirations & expectations – some postponed hopes, the best you thought, hoped for & desired – yet to be fulfilled. Jesus Christ will touch all that & cause you to live all you ever wanted to be. He ascends your highest hope & descends into your deepest need. Come to Him today.



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