Destiny Calling Peter’s Boat Page – 2


Destiny Calls – Simon Peter

Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee small loan bad credit was predictably unpredictable like the Monsoons of Sri Lanka. A raging storm in the Sea of Galilee is worth seeing but from the safety of the shore. Being in the middle of the storm is quite another matter. One of those violent storms were raging. Skipper on the boat was Simon, the Big Fisherman. In voice, command & stature he was big. But the storm tonight was bigger. The mountains encircling the Sea made the storms more violent. Superstitious fishermen adduced ghost power from the Eastern bank of the Sea where a cemetery was (and is present to this day), as the cause for the furore. It was this same East bank Gadara that had the important man who was delivered from a legion of demons – but that’s a later story. East of the Galilean Sea was the Decapolis – ten cities – the Red Light district of Palestine. This is where prodigal sons went for profligate living according to personal loans low apr the Parable of the Two Sons. The large non-Jewish population reared pigs contrary to Mosaic Law.

Simon was beyond ghosts, demons & religion – hurly, burly, raucous; fist first and then ask “why”- was his style. If any ghosts were, Simon thought they better leave when he comes in his boat.

They had no fear for their lives. But they knew catching fish in this weather was impossible. Simon was not one to back down. But by 3 am his weary labourers and his partners in the other boat, sons of Zebedee – John & James, convinced him. Simon had a soft spot for the spiritually minded John who was half his age. So they turned around back to land. In no time the storm was down. But it was too late for fish. It was as if the storm was commandeered for a higher purpose that was to unfold in the morning.

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